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24641 GJ-HKEX@EC2411A Real Time Quote
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Implied Volatility Data (10D)
Date (Y-M-D) Last Implied Volatility (%) Warrants Avg IV (%)
2024-08-30 0.075 27.10 30.24
2024-08-29 0.058 26.29 28.97
2024-08-28 0.048 26.52 29.48
2024-08-27 0.054 25.53 29.09
2024-08-26 0.056 26.31 29.53
2024-08-23 0.046 25.63 29.44
2024-08-22 0.046 25.65 29.43
2024-08-21 0.042 26.68 29.64
2024-08-20 0.055 27.38 30.16
2024-08-19 0.057 27.38 30.12
Related GTJA Warrants and CBBCs
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