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27038 GJBAIDU@EC2503A Real Time Quote
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Implied Volatility Data (10D)
Date (Y-M-D) Last Implied Volatility (%) Warrants Avg IV (%)
2024-10-28 0.151 55.01 54.29
2024-10-25 0.145 55.70 53.86
2024-10-24 0.142 55.37 53.84
2024-10-23 0.158 55.23 54.10
2024-10-22 0.158 55.65 53.23
2024-10-21 0.180 55.32 53.70
2024-10-18 0.203 55.13 54.20
2024-10-17 0.183 55.54 53.23
2024-10-16 0.194 55.94 53.67
2024-10-15 0.199 55.07 54.03
Related GTJA Warrants and CBBCs
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