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25549 GJALIBA@EC2504A Real Time Quote
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Outstanding Qty Data (10D)
Liquidity provider
Bought (M)
Liquidity provider
Sold (M)
Qty (M)
Qty (%)
2024-08-30 238,505.00 102.44 116.16 73.56 49.0
2024-08-29 574,210.00 267.60 286.27 59.84 39.9
2024-08-28 356,110.00 170.69 181.50 41.17 27.4
2024-08-27 424,810.00 198.62 219.56 30.36 20.2
2024-08-26 245,560.00 120.70 124.44 9.41 6.3
2024-08-23 242,935.00 121.86 121.07 5.68 3.8
2024-08-22 271,840.00 136.41 135.35 6.47 4.3
2024-08-21 282,325.00 140.51 141.81 7.54 5.0
2024-08-20 272,090.00 135.54 136.50 6.24 4.2
2024-08-19 183,240.00 91.67 91.44 5.28 3.5
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