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25977 GJ-HSI @EC2412A Real Time Quote
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Outstanding Qty Data (10D)
Liquidity provider
Bought (M)
Liquidity provider
Sold (M)
Qty (M)
Qty (%)
2024-08-30 1,093,990.00 543.19 540.78 0.98 0.7
2024-08-29 1,535,260.00 768.91 766.33 3.39 2.3
2024-08-28 1,172,460.00 584.36 588.10 5.97 4.0
2024-08-27 1,443,990.00 721.15 721.12 2.23 1.5
2024-08-26 1,201,480.00 580.83 580.61 2.26 1.5
2024-08-23 1,562,280.00 781.43 780.85 2.48 1.7
2024-08-22 1,461,920.00 730.75 731.14 3.06 2.0
2024-08-21 1,647,900.00 823.58 824.31 2.67 1.8
2024-08-20 1,361,560.00 660.74 660.82 1.94 1.3
2024-08-19 1,172,210.00 581.04 581.17 1.86 1.2
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