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26426 GJ-CMOB@EP2501B Real Time Quote
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Outstanding Qty Data (10D)
Liquidity provider
Bought (M)
Liquidity provider
Sold (M)
Qty (M)
Qty (%)
2024-08-30 30,630.00 15.08 15.55 4.99 7.1
2024-08-29 41,685.00 20.81 20.88 4.52 6.5
2024-08-28 41,760.00 20.84 20.80 4.46 6.4
2024-08-27 25,310.00 14.60 10.71 4.49 6.4
2024-08-26 10,320.00 5.02 5.30 8.38 12.0
2024-08-23 21,050.00 10.65 10.40 8.10 11.6
2024-08-22 25,580.00 10.56 14.52 8.35 11.9
2024-08-21 42,820.00 20.32 22.50 4.39 6.3
2024-08-20 20,155.00 10.11 10.05 2.22 3.2
2024-08-19 22,410.00 10.75 11.66 2.27 3.2
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