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27835 GJMTUAN@EC2507A Delay Time Quote
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Bid (Delayed*) 0.228 Ask (Delayed*) 0.231
Issuer GJ Type Call
Strike 225 ITM / OTM 21.7% OTM
Maturity (Y-M-D) 2025-07-03 Daily Theta (%) -0.4%
Last Trading Day (Y-M-D) 2025-06-26 Days to Maturity 251 Days
Terms & Indicator
Effective Gearing 3.6 X Delta(%) 44.9%
Implied Volatility 57.5% IV Sensitivity (%) 2.6%
Premium 34.2% Breakeven Point 248.10
Outstanding Qty 3.05 (M) Outstanding Qty 3.0%
Entitlement Ratio 100 Lot size 10,000
Underlying (Delayed*)
-2.100 (-1.12%)
Open 186.50 Prev. Close 187.00 Ref. Level at 4PM 187.00
High 189.80 Low 182.60 Turnover 4.6B
Related GTJA Warrants and CBBCs
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